Drug Detox in Euless, TX

At some point, most people experiencing these symptoms decide to give it up, and return to drug use. Medically supervised drug detox is the safest and most reliable way to face drug withdrawal treatment in Euless. It is the approach that we adhere to at our center for drug detox in Euless.

When you stop using a drug that you've been addicted to or lower the quantity you use, it produces a well-known collection of harmful withdrawal symptoms consisting of mood swings, anxiety, pain, seizures and cardiac disturbances.

Collectively called acute withdrawal, these can make a person very ill, and in some cases, cause death. Once acute withdrawal passes in a week or so, it is replaced by a second syndrome known as protracted withdrawal.

It's important for addicts and their families to understand, however, that the right kind of treatment is rarely found in rehabs. Only 10% of addicts approaching rehabs receive treatment in line with modern scientific understanding. In many states, employment at a rehab doesn't even require a degree.

What to Look For in Detox

Rapid detox: Rapid detox is a detox method that aims to complete the detox process, an undertaking that takes two weeks or longer under usual circumstances, in mere hours. The patient is placed under anesthesia, and addiction experts administer strong doses of opiate blockers such as naltrexone. The idea is to speed up the withdrawal cycle and perform it under anesthesia so that recovering addicts do not need to actually experience any of it.

Unfortunately, it has not been proven to work. Most going through the process report experiencing withdrawal symptoms after the process, and still needing to stay at detox for several days. The process is dangerous, as well. Complications of the thyroid function, psychiatric complications and cardiac complications occur.

A report published in JAMA had this to say: "Rapid drug detox treatment with opioid antagonist induction using general anesthesia has emerged as an expensive, potentially dangerous, unproven approach to treat opioid dependence."

Drug-free detox: Some detox programs attempt to draw patients in with promises of a healthy detox alternative that involves the use of none of the strong medications used in conventional detox. It forces the patient to go through the painful procedure of withdrawal without actual protections. This, again, is unscientific and offers no benefits.

Ensuring Scientific Detox

Even when you do go to a mainstream rehab, you cannot be sure that the detox you receive follows modern medical modalities. In general, it's important to make sure of the following when you go to a drug detox treatment center.

Personalization: Every valid medical treatment requires personalization of treatment for different patients. Changes are made for the age of the patient, the depth of the affliction, and the condition of the patient's health. It is no different with drug detox in Euless. Personalization is key to the success, especially through participating in our programs for addiction treatment in Euless.

Personal attention: An outpatient drug detox treatment facility is not able to offer close supervision, something that is essential to ensuring freedom from pain and discomfort. Personal support is an important contributor to the success of any rehab plan, as well.

It helps improve chances of success, when a program offers inpatient treatment together with a policy of medication for minimal pain, and a policy of close medical supervision at all times by staff able to administer medication to minimize pain and discomfort.

Dual diagnosis expertise: Most people addicted to drugs also battle a mental disorder. While some of these mental disorders tend to be obvious, others tend to be not so obvious. If you're going to detox, it's important to find a place that has expertise treating dual diagnosis patients.

Putting in the Work Needed

Finding a good detox center doesn't come easy. It takes work. You need to learn about how detox works, learn about the different ways in which mistakes happen, talk to patients who have been through it all, and talk to experts.

We can help with the last part. When you need to speak to someone who knows detox and the scientific approach, you can come to us at our center for drug detox in Euless. You can call anytime to set up an appointment. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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